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How did you hear about this event?
Email from Cambridgeshire County Council
Healthy Schools e-newsletter
Oral Health webinar for primary school teachers
Head Teachers conference
How do you think participating will benefit your school? (Tick as many as apply)
A good opportunity for bonding with new classes
A good opportunity to start talking about oral health in the classroom
Confidently sharing the evidence-based key dental messages without having to do extra training
An opportunity for the whole school to learn about the benefits of a healthy smile, including general and mental health benefits
To increase life outcomes by developing good oral health habits at an early age
Hands-on activities will make the messages more memorable
Different activities will suit different learning styles
The resources are free to access and budgets are stretched
Access to NHS dental care is difficult and homecare routines are more critical than ever
Time off school for dental treatment could be reduced if problems can be prevented
In which year groups has oral health been covered in your school this academic year? (Tick all that apply)
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Year 4
Year 5
Year 6
It hasn't been covered this academic year
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