Support your local school for mutual benefits

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) for dental businesses made easy

Raisin Awareness  Linking practices and schools together

Show you care with practical interventions to reduce the risk of tooth decay

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Raisin Swap for tooth-friendly vegetables (to replace SFVS dried fruit 6x year)

helping to reduce their risk of tooth decay

To encourage tooth friendly snacks in primary schools

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Support for school and families to review whole school snack policies

Enabling healthy changes to every day choices on the playground

Our Aims

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Continually working with our partners to change government policy to expand the SFVS to older children and to utilise more British produce

# Bigger Better School Fruit Veg

Building trust in your team within the local community

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A positive image of the dental profession to build trust and encourage pupils to attend for regular check-ups

an opportunity to invite dental professionals into the classroom as and when circumstances permit

Positively promote your dental message with regular Oral Health literature to all pupils

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Share your practice details with key dental messages from the evidenced-based Delivering Better Oral Health toolkit

Delivered in a fun format for children to take home school

Supported By
Raisin Awareness  Partnership Benefits

Primary Schools

Raisin Awareness requires little time but gives maximum impact.  Helping reduce the risk of tooth decay in Primary school children, while simultaneously guiding schools to meet the required standards in Oral Health promotion.

Contact us to find out how

Linking Schools and Practices together

Awesome Oral Health Website (2)

Dental Practices

Want to contribute to your community but struggle to find the time? This project is easy to implement as Awesome Oral Health CIC take care of the details, simply offering rewarding benefits for a small investment.

Contact us to find out how

The School Fruit and Vegetable Scheme delivers snacks to 2.3 million of the youngest primary school children in England.

Time to make a difference?

Give a toothbrush to a child in need

Awesome Oral Health Website (1)

Be a dental partner

Be a community champion

Raisin Awareness  on social media

#RaiseASmile to make School Fruit and Veg Bigger & Better

If you’re on social media and you’d like to get involved further, entertain your friends and family by joining in #RaiseASmile video challenge.

Have you shared your smile in an uplifting manner?

1. Make & upload a video “Raising A Smile” (from frown/neutral face to beaming)

2. Challenge a friend to do the same & also sign this petition too.

For inspiration watch our promo video.

Tooth extraction as a result of dental decay is the most common reason for hospital admissions in 5-9 year olds.

The majority of children miss at least two school days for hospital appointments and recovery, because of this usually preventable disease.

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