November is Mouth Cancer Action Month

Taking place throughout November, thousands of amazing people go out into their communities to raise awareness of mouth cancer and to share the important message of being mouthaware. Are you mouthaware? A 45 second check could save your life. Click here for more details and resources.

Dental Nurse Jo Dawson wins Philips-sponsored place on Smile Revolution course

Philips Oral Healthcare recently offered one dental professional the chance to win a sponsored place on the second of Smile Revolution’s 5-week course to ‘Launch Your Own Oral Health Promotional Project/Business’. The place was won by Jo Dawson, a Dental Nurse who works at Devonshire House Dental Practice, Cambridge. Read the full article here

Dental nurse Jo launches video challenge to celebrate National Smile Month

To celebrate this year’s National Smile Month, Jo Dawson, the dental nurse behind the Raisin Awareness oral health campaign, has launched a social media video challenge called Raise A Smile (#RaiseASmile). Raise A Smile is designed to be a fun, funny, interactive way to spread the message about the importance of a healthy diet for […]

New President of the Oral Health Foundation officially appointed on 6th December

Dental Hygienist Mhari Coxon is looking forward to her tenure over the next 2 years. She proudly takes over from Raisin Awareness Advisory Board member Ben Atkins who remains a trustee at the Oral Health Foundation. Mhari says: “In the past two years, the way in which we view our health has changed drastically, yet […]

Awesome Smiles September Stations – information for parents, guardians, carers

Dear all Wonderful news that your child’s primary school is joining the fun and getting excited about celebrating healthy smiles in our Awesome Smiles September Stations event. Here at Awesome Oral Health we are passionate about sharing our dental knowledge to empower children and families to prevent tooth decay. By supporting primary schools we can […]